1. |
Training on general issues of labor protection and the functioning of the QMS item 1 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI (6 person) |
2. |
Training in safe methods and techniques of performing work under the influence of VOPF p.2 Requirements Specification 187-ADI (25 person) |
3. |
Training in methods and techniques of performing work on, work related to the danger of electric shock to personnel, etc .3 Requirements Specification 187-ADI (57 person) |
4. |
Training in methods and techniques of performing software work, work at height p.4 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI (55 person) |
5. |
Training in methods and techniques of performing software work, working in confined spaces, in confined spaces, clause 5 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI (55 person) |
6. |
Training in methods and techniques for performing software work, working with ionizing radiation sources, item 6 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI (10 person) |
7. |
Training of specialists on the use and application of PPE p.7 Requirements Specification 187-ADI (20 person) |
8. |
First aid to victims at work item 8 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI (20 person) |
9. |
Advanced training "Training in fire safety measures for managers of the organization and persons responsible for fire safety and conducting fire-fighting instruction" item 9 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI (5 person) |
10. |
Professional retraining "Specialist in fire prevention" item 10 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI (2 person) |