No. | Name | Scheduled delivery date | Delivery start date | Incoterms code | Destination country | Delivery region | OKTMO Code | Quantity | Unit of measure | Number of bidders |
1 | Training on general issues of labor protection and the functioning of the QMS item 1 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 6 | person | 0 |
2 | Training in safe methods and techniques of performing work under the influence of VOPF p.2 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 25 | person | 0 |
3 | Training in methods and techniques of performing work on, work related to the danger of electric shock to personnel, etc .3 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 57 | person | 0 |
4 | Training in methods and techniques of performing software work, work at height p.4 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 55 | person | 0 |
5 | Training in methods and techniques of performing software work, working in confined spaces, in confined spaces, clause 5 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 55 | person | 0 |
6 | Training in methods and techniques for performing software work, working with ionizing radiation sources, item 6 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 10 | person | 0 |
7 | Training of specialists on the use and application of PPE p.7 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 20 | person | 0 |
8 | First aid to victims at work item 8 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 20 | person | 0 |
9 | Advanced training "Training in fire safety measures for managers of the organization and persons responsible for fire safety and conducting fire-fighting instruction" item 9 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 5 | person | 0 |
10 | Professional retraining "Specialist in fire prevention" item 10 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 2 | person | 0 |
11 | Training in safe methods and techniques of performing work at height 1 group p.11 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 5 | person | 0 |
12 | Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height 2 group p. 12 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 20 | person | 0 |
13 | Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height 3 group p.13 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 3 | person | 0 |
14 | Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of general economic management systems p.14 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 2 | person | 0 |
15 | Professional training of persons for the right to work with hazardous waste of hazard class I-IV item15 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 2 | person | 0 |
16 | Pre-certification training on industrial safety A.1. Fundamentals of industrial safety p.16 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 5 | person | 0 |
17 | Pre-certification training on industrial safety B.9.31 Industrial safety requirements for lifting facilities item17 of Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 5 | person | 0 |
18 | Pre-certification training on electrical safety Group II p.18 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 5 | person | 0 |
19 | Pre-certification training on electrical safety Group III p.19 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 5 | person | 0 |
20 | Pre-certification training on electrical safety Group IV p. 20 Requirements Specification 187-ADI | 01.04.2026 | 15.04.2025 | DAP | RU | — | 92620109000 | 5 | person | 0 |