Request for Proposals No. 3978054 
Work on the modernization of the automatic fire alarm system (APS) and the evacuation warning and control system (SSE) of people in case of fire in zd. 101

Work on the modernization of the automatic fire alarm system (APS) and the evacuation warning and control system (SSE) of people in case of fire in zd. 101

Lot No. 1 Work on the modernization of the automatic fire alarm system (APS) and the evacuation warning and control system (SSE) of people in case of fire in zd. 101
ID No. of the call for bids on the buyer's website:
Total value:6 272 258,77 RUB
Date published:
Last edited:12.03.2025 16:33
Responsible person:Vinogradova Svetlana Ivanovna
Organizer (Initiator)
Organizer (Initiator):AO "TVEL-STROI"
Additional info
Bid validity period:during 60 calendar days from bid submission deadline
Source of funds:Internal funds
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is carried out in e-form in Rosatom section of RTS-tender e-marketplace ( Bidders' proposals are to be submitted in the form of an e-document.
Bid documentation provision procedure:Bid documentation is provided free of charge in the form of an electronic document in Rosatom section of RTS-tender (, starting from the date of placing a call for bids.

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