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Lot No. 1 Request for proposals № 3969899
The right to conclude a contract for the supply of check valves for the construction of power units No. 1, 2, 3, 4 of the Akkuyu NPP Lot No. AKU-24-215m

No.NameQuantityUnit of measureBasis of comparisonCritically important products
В соответствии с положениями подраздела 3.2 Приложения 1 Приказа Госкорпорации «Росатом» от 10.07.2019 № 1/691-П
Data reliability audit required
В отношении продукции запланировано проведение аудита достоверности данных
1Delivery of check valves for the construction of power unit No. 1 of Akkuyu NPP Lot No. AKU-24-215m1KMPYesYesYes
2Delivery of check valves for the construction of power unit No. 2 of Akkuyu NPP Lot No. AKU-24-215m1KMPYesYesYes
3Delivery of check valves for the construction of power unit No. 3 of Akkuyu NPP Lot No. AKU-24-215m1KMPYesYesYes
4Delivery of check valves for the construction of power unit No. 4 of Akkuyu NPP Lot No. AKU-24-215m1KMPYesYesYes
5The price of transportation and logistics-related operations for delivery on the basis of DDP AKU-24-215m1300YesNo
6The price of taxes and fees paid by the Supplier upon delivery on the basis of DDP AKU-24-215m1300YesNo

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