Lot No. 1 Simplified acquisition procedure № 3148753
The right to conclude a contract for the supply of rebar metal for SMB facilities of the preparatory period of the Paksh-2 NPP

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Purchasing items:
1. Reinforcement steel (0,7 TNE), Price: 1 697,99 EUR (price excl. of VAT: 1 337,00 EUR) per unit
2. Reinforcement steel (0,8 TNE), Price: 1 489,71 EUR (price excl. of VAT: 1 173,00 EUR) per unit
3. Reinforcement steel (0,4 TNE), Price: 1 548,13 EUR (price excl. of VAT: 1 219,00 EUR) per unit
4. Reinforcement steel (6,72 TNE), Price: 1 489,71 EUR (price excl. of VAT: 1 173,00 EUR) per unit
5. Reinforcement steel (348,28 TNE), Price: 1 619,25 EUR (price excl. of VAT: 1 275,00 EUR) per unit
6. Reinforcement steel (42,32 TNE), Price: 1 635,13 EUR (price excl. of VAT: 1 287,50 EUR) per unit
7. Reinforcement steel (13,04 TNE), Price: 1 664,97 EUR (price excl. of VAT: 1 311,00 EUR) per unit
8. Reinforcement steel (1,85 TNE), Price: 1 869,44 EUR (price excl. of VAT: 1 472,00 EUR) per unit
9. Reinforcement steel (1,28 TNE), Price: 1 949,45 EUR (price excl. of VAT: 1 535,00 EUR) per unit
10. Reinforcement steel (1,02 TNE), Price: 1 949,45 EUR (price excl. of VAT: 1 535,00 EUR) per unit
Show more 5 items (purchased total 17 items)
Initial lot price:677 099,99 EUR
Date published:
Bid submission deadline:16.11.2022 10:00
Bid opening date:16.11.2022 10:00
Bid evaluation date:26.12.2022
Results announcement date:26.12.2022
Last edited:10.11.2022 15:44
Responsible person:Dunaeva Irina Aleksandrovna
Customer name:Limited Liability Company "Trust Rosspetsenergomontazh"
Customer's contact details:Location: 171841, Tver region, Russian Federation, KAES Industrial Zone 171841, Tver region, Udomelsky district, U
Postal address: 171841, Russian Federation, Tver region, KAES Industrial Zone, a/ya 77
Tax ID:6916013425
Tax Registration Reason Code:526001001
Additional info
Belonging with SMEs:Not defined
Contract conclusion date:30.12.2022
Payment terms:according to the draft agreement
Delivery terms:according to the draft agreement
Date and time of bids evaluation:26.12.2022 23:59
Bid documentation provision procedure:Bid documentation is provided free of charge in the form of an electronic document in Rosatom section of RTS-tender (www.rosatom.rts-tender.ru), starting from the date of placing a call for bids.
Evaluation criteria:1. Contract price;
2. Qualification of the participant;
2.1. The experience of the participant in the procurement procedure.
E-signature info:Signed with e-signature

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Latest submitted bids
Status of bidding: archived.
Organizer's decision:
Organizer has announced the results 30.11.2022 at 14:42
Decision rationale is available in "Documents" tab.
Notifications have been sent to bidders.
Total: 0