Lot No. 1 Simplified acquisition procedure № 3087171
Право заключения договора на (en) Manufacturing and supply of circular electric bridge crane for the construction of power units No. 5, 6 of Paks NPP

This call for bids is archived
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Purchasing items:
1. Installation Supervision (1 PCE; NMB)
2. Installation Supervision (1 PCE; NMB)
3. Electric bridge polar crane (1 КОМПЛ)
4. Electric bridge polar crane (1 КОМПЛ)
Initial lot price:9 972 573,42 EUR
Date published:
Bid submission deadline:19.09.2022 11:00
Bid opening date:19.09.2022 11:00
Bid evaluation date:30.06.2023
Results announcement date:30.06.2023
Last edited:07.06.2023 19:50
Responsible person:Darmaev Bator
Customer name:Joint stock company "Atomstroyexport"
Customer's contact details:Место нахождения (en): 127434
Tax ID:7701186067
Tax Registration Reason Code:997650001
Additional info
Belonging with SMEs:Not defined
Contract conclusion date:06.07.2023
Payment terms:в соответствии с извещением о проведении закупки/документацией о закупке
Delivery terms:в соответствии с извещением о проведении закупки/документацией о закупке
Date and time of bids evaluation:30.06.2023 23:59
Bid documentation provision procedure:Bid documentation is provided free of charge in the form of an electronic document in Rosatom section of RTS-tender (www.rosatom.rts-tender.ru), starting from the date of placing a call for bids.
Contract performance security
Security amount:It is required to ensure the execution of the contract in the amount of 15.00%. The term of provision after the conclusion of the contract, no later than 20 days from the date of its conclusion
Security form:Monetary funds,
Irrevocable bank guarantee,
Surety or independent guarantee
Evaluation criteria:1. Contract price;
2. Equipment manufacturer experience;
3. Availability of an existing quality management system confirmed by the certificate of conformity of the ROSATOMREGISTR certification system.

This call for bids is archived
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Latest submitted bids
Status of bidding: archived.
Organizer's decision:
Organizer has announced the results 21.06.2023 at 17:14
Decision rationale is available in "Documents" tab.
Notifications have been sent to bidders.
Price / offerCompany / Date Sorted by descending
23 051 188,71 EUR (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
Bidder 1
19.09.2022 10:08:31
Total: 1. More >>