Price monitoring request No. 3980733 
Supply of spare parts for turnstiles, smart cards for printing passes, consumables and printers for printing passes, inspection tools, tools and batteries for the needs of AKKUYU NÜKLEER ANONIM ŞIRKETI

No.NameName (Eng)Scheduled delivery dateDelivery start dateIncoterms codeDestination countryOKEI codeQuantityUnit of measureNumber of bidders
1Supply of spare parts for turnstiles, smart cards for printing passes, consumables and printers for printing passes, inspection tools, tools and batteries for the needs of AKKUYU NÜKLEER ANONIM ŞIRKETIAKKUYU NÜKLEER ANONİM ŞİRKETİ’nin İhtiyaçları Doğrultusunda Turnike Yedek Parçaları, Giriş Kartı Basmaya Yönelik Akıllı Kartlar, Giriş Kartı Basmaya Yönelik Sarf Malzemeleri ve Yazıcılar, Üst Arama Araçları, Aletler ve Akülerin Tedariki28.06.202528.04.2025DDPTR8391set0