Price monitoring request No. 2870452 
Supply of plumbing materials

Supply of plumbing materials

Purchasing items:
1. Арматура для бачка унитаза универсальная с боковой подводкой кнопка хром, эконом АНИ WC6050M (10 ШТ)
2. Арматура для сливного бачка с нижней подводкой воды ГОСТ 21485-94 (15 ШТ)
3. Блок управления насосом Brio Top Digital BT-XX-1-MM-000 (2 ШТ)
5. ВЕНТИЛЬ 15Б1П Ф15 ТУ3712-001-04606952-04 (50 ШТ)
6. Вентиль 15Б1П Ф20 ТУ 3712-001-04606952-04 (10 ШТ)
7. ВЕНТИЛЬ 15КЧ18П Ф32 ТУ3732-001-00218137-94 (10 ШТ)
8. Вентиль 15КЧ18П Ф50 ТУ 3732-001-00218137-94 (10 ШТ)
9. Вентилятор ВЕНТС 100 ВКОк турбо (1 ШТ)
10. Водонагреватель Ariston Lydos Eco ABS 80V 2,5квт (3 ШТ)
Show more 5 items (purchased total 121 item)
Publication date:
Bids submission deadline
Bids can also be submitted after the expiry of the specified period. However, bidding organizer has the right not to consider the bids submitted after bids submission deadline.
11.01.2022 23:59
Last edited:12.01.2022 11:16
Responsible person:Kupriianova Aleksandra Sergeevna
Organizer (Initiator):"RFIaTs - VNIIEF" FGUP
Additional info
Payment terms:Payment after delivery of goods and materials
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is carried out in e-form in Rosatom section of RTS-tender e-marketplace ( Bidders' proposals are to be submitted in the form of an e-document.
Bid documentation provision procedure:Bid documentation is provided free of charge in the form of an e-document in Rosatom section of RTS-tender (, starting from the date of announcing a call for bids.
Please note that this Prices Monitoring Request is a procedure aimed at enabling the Organizer to determine the maximum initial contract price for a call for bids to be held afterwards, and imposes no obligations on the Organizer as to entering into a contract.

Submitted bids
Status: active.
Total: 0