Price monitoring request No. 3234233 
Monitoring of the price market according to the calculation of NMC No. 414415 "Delivery of detectors "

Monitoring of the price market according to the calculation of NMC No. 414415 "Delivery of detectors "

Purchasing items:
5. Детектор радиации ГНОМ ТЖИУ412131.003 (4 ШТ)
Publication date:
Bids submission deadline
Bids can also be submitted after the expiry of the specified period. However, bidding organizer has the right not to consider the bids submitted after bids submission deadline.
01.03.2023 23:59
Last edited:16.02.2023 13:17
Responsible person:Sotorov Viacheslav Vasil'evich
Organizer (Initiator):AO "SKhK"
Additional info
Payment terms:If the Supplier provides security for the refund of the advance, payment is made in the following order:
- an advance payment in the amount of 30% of the price of the Goods is paid within 20 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the contract and provision of security for the return of the advance;
- the remaining part of the price of the Goods in the amount of 70% is paid within 45 calendar days from the date of delivery of the Goods in full according to the specification, acceptance of all specified Goods by the Buyer, signing by the Parties of the consignment note in the form of TORG-12 or UPD and providing an invoice and invoice or UPD in respect of all specified Goods.
The advance paid to the Supplier may be returned to the Buyer in cases of improper fulfillment by the Supplier of the delivery obligation in part exceeding the value of the properly fulfilled volume of the delivery obligation.
The Parties agreed that the Buyer's demand for the refund of the advance payment cannot be qualified as the Buyer's rejection of the Contract and does not entail the termination of the Contract.
If the Supplier refuses the Buyer's advance payment, 100% of the price of the delivered Goods is paid within 45 calendar days from the date of delivery of the Goods in full according to the specification, acceptance of all specified Goods by the Buyer, signing by the Parties of the consignment note in the form of TORG-12 or UPD and providing an invoice and invoice or UPD in respect of all specified Goods.
or 100% of the price of the delivered Goods is paid within 45 calendar days from the date of delivery of the Goods in full, provided for in the Specification, acceptance of all specified Goods by the Buyer, signing by the Parties of the consignment note in the form of TORG- 12 or UPD and providing an invoice and invoice or UPD in respect of all specified Goods.
or 100% of the price of the delivered Goods is paid within 45 calendar days from the date of delivery of each batch of Goods in accordance with clause B3 in full, acceptance of the Goods in full by the relevant batch by the Buyer, signing by the Parties of the consignment note in the form of TORG-12 or UPD and providing an invoice and invoice or UPD in respect of all Goods of the relevant batch. A batch is considered to be the entire quantity of Goods delivered with the same delivery period of the place of delivery of the goods: warehouse of JSC "SHK", located at the address: Tomsk region, Seversk, Predzavodskaya str., 9, warehouse No. 035.
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is carried out in e-form in Rosatom section of RTS-tender e-marketplace ( Bidders' proposals are to be submitted in the form of an e-document.
Bid documentation provision procedure:Bid documentation is provided free of charge in the form of an e-document in Rosatom section of RTS-tender (, starting from the date of announcing a call for bids.
Please note that this Prices Monitoring Request is a procedure aimed at enabling the Organizer to determine the maximum initial contract price for a call for bids to be held afterwards, and imposes no obligations on the Organizer as to entering into a contract.

Submitted bids
Status: archived.
Total: 0